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Digital Marketing September, 2024

How Online Presence Can Boost Your Small Business

Luís Horta, Especialista em Marketing Digital

Escrito por Luís Horta

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How Online Presence Can Boost Your Small Business

Having your own business can be rewarding, but the truth is that running a small business is a big challenge. There are days when sales drop, competition seems insurmountable, and traditional promotion no longer yields the results it used to. What then? How do you attract more customers, gain visibility and, above all, survive in such a competitive market? This is where online presence comes in.

Small Business Online Presence

1. "I Need More Customers, But I Don't Know How to Find Them!"

It's frustrating when you know you have a great product or service, but you can't reach the right customers. A website can be a start. It doesn't have to be complicated; a simple page with clear information is enough to let people know that you exist. people know you exist. And if that website is optimised for search engines (SEO), the chances of be found when potential customers search online increases significantly. SEO allows your business to appear in searches related to the products or services you offer, connecting you with people who are already interested in in what you're trying to sell.

But having a website is only the first step. Complementing this with Google Ads is an effective way of reaching customers looking for exactly what you offer. It can often be difficult to wait for organic SEO results, especially when you're just starting out. In this case, Google Ads is a more immediate way of being at the top of searches, allowing your potential customers to find your business at key moments.

2. "Social Networks Are a Labyrinth... How should I use them?"

For many small business owners, social media can seem like a mystery or even a source of frustration. Perhaps you've already created a Facebook or Instagram page, but posting content and getting no responses is discouraging. The key is to think of social media as a way of talking to people, not just selling.

But online presence doesn't end with social media. Google My Business is another powerful tool for small businesses. Having your business listed on Google Maps allows you to appear in local searches, give customers practical information and collect reviews that contribute to your reputation. Social networks, combined with visibility on Google, extend the reach of your business and create a direct path to customers.

3. "What if People Don't Know I Exist?"

This is one of the biggest pains for small businesses: lack of visibility. You may be offering the best product or service, but if nobody knows you exist, how will you succeed? This is where Google My Business comes in again and, once again, the importance of SEO and Google Ads.

If you don't know where to start, you could consider Google Ads campaigns aimed at your target audience and geographical area. This helps boost the visibility of your business in search results, especially when you're trying to reach local customers. And you don't have to spend a fortune - you can set a daily budget and test what works best for your audience. for your audience.

4. "What Do I Say to Keep My Customers Interested?"

Today's customers want more than just to buy. They want to learn, be inspired, feel connected to the brand. This is where content comes into play. As well as a blog on your website, consider sending out newsletters or sharing tips on social media. The more relevant, SEO-optimised content you publish, the more you will attract customers who are looking for your type of business.

5. "But I Don't Have Time For All This!"

It's understandable that running a business already takes up a lot of your time, and the idea of investing even more effort in your online presence can seem overwhelming. online presence can seem overwhelming. But you don't have to do it all by yourself. You can start slowly and, as the results come in, even hire specialised results appear, you can even hire specialist digital marketing help to manage Google Ads campaigns, optimise your website for SEO for SEO, or even manage social media. Every little step you take online makes a difference.

Ready to Turn Your Difficulty into an Opportunity?

If you've come this far, you probably recognise some of the pains of running a small business. Lack of customers, limited time and uncertainty about how to get started are real challenges. But what if the solution lies in small steps online? Imagine being found by the right customers, gain visibility and build a lasting relationship with those who trust you.

Are you ready to turn these difficulties into opportunities?

The next step is up to you - and it could be the start of a big change. Contact Us ‘

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