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Complaints & ADR

Our company has an online complaints book for our customers. 

If you wish to make a complaint about an item, product or service purchased or any other matter, it deserves our best attention. Please contact me first so that we have the opportunity to resolve your problem.

Contact us:

Other means of submitting your request:

Give us a chance...

Contact us and we will certainly do our best to resolve your issue to your satisfaction, taking this opportunity to continuously improve our services and earn your trust and preference in the future. Thank you.

Electronic Complaint Book

If you wish to make a complaint, please use the Electronic Complaints Book. (https://www.livroreclamacoes.pt/).

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution covers mediation, conciliation and arbitration of consumer disputes in Portugal. ADR entities are entities authorized to carry out mediation, conciliation and arbitration which must be registered on the list of ADR entities provided for in Law 144/2015. They are independent entities, with specialized staff, who, in an impartial manner, on the one hand, help the consumer and the company to reach an amicable solution through mediation or conciliation or, on the other hand, if such an agreement is not reached, allow a decision to be made by arbitrators in a simple and quick process, through arbitration.

When can I resort to out-of-court dispute resolution through an ADR entity??

In the event of a problem with a supplier of goods or services, and if they cannot reach an agreement, the consumer can initiate proceedings against the supplier with an ADR body, provided that:

  • They are initiated by a consumer against a supplier of goods or services;
  • They relate to contractual obligations resulting from sales or service contracts;
  • The contract is concluded between a supplier of goods or services and consumers established and resident, respectively, in Portugal and in the European Union.
Which Alternative Dispute Resolution body can you use for a dispute??

CIMAAL – Centro de Arbitragem de Conflitos do Algarve
Website: www.cniacc.pt

For more information, go to Portal do Consumidor: www.consumidor.gov.pt