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Digital Marketing December, 2023

What makes a website GOOD? Guide for non-techies

Luís Horta, Digital Marketing Specialist

Written by Luís Horta

Reading 8 minutes

Creating a Good Website

Have you ever wondered why some websites bog us down and others make us click "X" faster than lightning? It's not just a matter of taste, there's science behind it! And you don't have to be a computer genius to understand. In this guide, we'll unlock the secrets of a successful website, with clear explanations and impressive data.

Creating a Good Website

1. Loads like a rocket

You know that feeling of waiting... and waiting... for a page to open? It's frustrating! 47% of people wait a maximum of 2 seconds for a website to load. If it takes longer, goodbye visitor! And it's not just bad for your patience, Google also penalizes slow sites.

Tip: Use optimized images (not too heavy), choose a good server and avoid excessive plugins or heavy animations..

2. Easy to navigate, like a treasure map

Imagine walking into a store with confusing aisles and scattered products... Confusing, isn't it? A confusing website is just as confusing! 76% of consumers say that easy navigation is the most important factor on a website.

Tip: Organize the content in clear categories, use intuitive menus and have an efficient search field. Nobody likes to get lost!

3. Quality content, like a good book

A website is not just about beauty, it needs to have interesting and relevant content. 61% of consumers are more likely to buy from a site with personalized content.

Tip: Write clear, informative and engaging texts. Use high-quality images and videos. And don't forget to update the content regularly to keep visitors interested.

4. Appealing design, like a store window

First impressions last, right? An ugly or outdated website puts visitors off. 94% of first impressions are related to design.

Tip: Use harmonious colors, legible fonts and a clean, organized layout. Adapt the design to your target audience and follow market trends.

5. Responsive, like a chameleon

Nowadays, people use all kinds of devices to surf the web: computers, tablets, smartphones... A responsive website adapts to any screen, like a chameleon! 85% of adults think that a company's website on mobile devices should be as good or better than the desktop version.

Tip: Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes. Test your website on several devices to ensure a perfect user experience on all of them.

6. Safe as a bank vault

Nobody wants to have their data stolen, right? A secure website protects users' information and conveys trust. 84% of users would abandon a purchase if the site wasn't secure.

Tip: Use an SSL certificate (that green padlock in the address bar) and keep your software up to date to avoid vulnerabilities.

7. Optimized for SEO, like a beacon for Google

Do you want people to find your website on Google? Then it needs to be optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). 68% of online experiences start with a search engine.

Tip: Use relevant keywords, create attractive titles and descriptions, and build quality links to your website. The more optimized it is, the more visible it will be in search results.

8. Accessible, like a ramp for everyone

An accessible website allows people with disabilities (visual, hearing, motor, etc.) to navigate and use its content without difficulty. 15% of the world's population has some kind of disability.

Tip: Use high-contrast colors, legible fonts, alternative text for images, and features such as screen readers and subtitles for videos..

9. Interactive, like a conversation with friends

An interactive website invites visitors to participate, leave comments and share content on social networks. 70% of marketers say that interactive content is effective in attracting and retaining visitors.

Tip: Use contact forms, polls, quizzes, games, chatbots, and encourage interaction on social networks.

10. Up to date, like a daily newspaper

An outdated website gives the impression of abandonment and neglect. 45% of consumers have a negative impression of companies with outdated websites.

Tip: Update the content regularly, publish news and updates, and always keep the contact information correct.

Diving into the technical depths: For the curious and the brave

If you're someone who likes to know how things work under the hood, this section is for you! We're going to explore some technical concepts that make a difference to the performance and quality of a website.

The power of clean, optimized code

A website is like a car: it needs a well-tuned engine to run smoothly. Code is the engine of your website, and clean, well-structured and optimized code guarantees fast loading, fluid navigation and a pleasant user experience.

Tip: Use a modern framework like React, Angular or Vue.js to organize your code, minimize errors and make maintenance easier. Optimize your JavaScript and CSS to reduce file size and speed up loading.

The importance of good hosting

Hosting is like your website's home: it needs to be secure, reliable and have enough space to grow. Good hosting ensures that your website is always online, accessible and protected against attacks.

Tip: Choose hosting with fast servers, regular backups, efficient technical support and security features such as firewalls and DDoS protection.

The magical world of APIs

APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are like bridges that connect different systems and allow them to communicate with each other. By integrating APIs into your website, you can add incredible functionalities such as maps, online payments, chatbots and much more.

Tip: Explore the APIs available on the market and choose the ones that best fit your website's needs. Use an integration platform like Zapier or Integromat to connect different APIs quickly and easily.

The art of image optimization

Images are essential for making your website attractive and visually interesting, but they can also be a big problem if they are not optimized. Heavy images can slow down the loading of your website and impair the user experience.

Tip: Use tools like TinyPNG or ImageOptim to compress your images without losing quality. Use the WebP format for lighter, more efficient images. And don't forget to use the "alt" attribute to describe your images for search engines and screen readers.

The universe of data analysis

Data analysis is like a map that shows the path visitors take on your website. By analyzing traffic data, you can identify your website's strengths and weaknesses, find out what visitors like and dislike, and make smarter decisions to improve its performance.

Tip: Use tools like Google Analytics or Matomo to track your website traffic, analyze visitor behavior and measure the success of your marketing campaigns.

What's next? How much does it cost and how to build YOUR ideal website?

Now that you know what makes a good website, you're probably wondering: how much does it cost to build one? E qual a melhor plataforma: WordPress or custom development? Find out the answers in our article How much does it cost to create and maintain a website? and decide which path is best for you in WordPress platform or tailor-made solution? After all, a good website is a worthwhile investment!


With this complete guide, you're ready to build a successful website that impresses visitors and makes it to the top of Google. Remember: a good website is a combination of technical and creative factors, and the key to success is to never stop learning and innovating.

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